Wednesday 1 July 2020

Infamy, Infamy Initial Impressions

My pre-ordered copy of Infamy, Infamy arrived in the post this morning and first impressions are very good! I haven't had a chance to read through the rules in detail, just a quick skim over of the various sections, but it looks very much like Sharp Practice, both is style and visual layout. I'll have to watch the videos that the Toofatlardies have put together to get a better handle on the rules mechanisms and the way the system works.

In terms of production values it's right up there with the best, being packed full of superb artwork and professionally painted figure vignettes. It's also laid out in a very clear and systematic way. I may set this up as my next 28mm project, although I also really want to do two retinues for Lion Rampant, so we'll have to wait and see. Whatever happens, my next 28mm project will have a winter theme to make the most of my existing snow terrain....although Hadrian's Wall might be a little ambitious?


  1. Perhaps you need not represent Hadrian's Wall, but you could game a late Autumn/early Spring patrol or punitive raid by a Roman force against the Pictii?

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