Friday 3 July 2020

Sudan Skirmish Sit Rep

I've now ploughed through two thirds of the Beja figures for The Men Who Would Be Kings project, so I'm looking ahead to the next phase of the painting and modelling schedule, with the aim to get everything finished by the end of the month. I've been busy this week with other things, so haven't moved the last 28 figures further than an overall ink wash, but plan to get a lot more done over the weekend. The next step will be to block in all of the black areas and then the clothes, which doesn't take too long but can be a bit tedious after the first twenty figures or so!

I've also dug out the Empires at War blockhouse kit and hope to assemble it in between painting the last of the Beja, although I'm going to keep it as simple as possible rather than adding much extra detailing as originally planned. Finally, I need to start assembling the British field force from the Perry Miniatures plastic set, which I'm using rather then metal figures due to cost. I'd prefer metal figures but it's too pricey, even if I only need thirty six of the them for the infantry element of the field force, so the plastic ones will have to do. 

Time to crack on!

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