Thursday 17 September 2020

Aces and Eights

The local club re-opened for games a couple of week ago but the recent rule of six restrictions have resulted in some changes to the set up beyond just masks, hand washing and wiping down surfaces. The club room has a divider, so we're using it to separate the room into two 'bubbles', each capable of hosting six people in various configurations, although the smaller annex can only fit a multiplayer table of four, six or three, as there isn't room for two tables of two. 

This means we can keep the club and venue afloat, at least in the interim, with sufficient income to pay for the space and enough room for twelve players, albeit with sensible precautions like social distancing, face masks, disinfection and careful handling of figures, terrain and dice. Unfortunately, as I currently work in a school of eight hundred students and sixty teachers, I won't be attending on club nights, primarily to avoid infecting others who may be more vulnerable.

It's just not worth the risk.


  1. It's all a bit of a bugger, but better safe than sorry. Here in Ohio we have a mandatory wear a mask in public ruling, but that's as far as it goes.

  2. We have similar rules but so many aren't sticking to them it's likely to end up in lockdown again...bonkers!
