Sunday 6 December 2020

Farting about on Facebook

I don't have a Facebook account for work reasons, so occasionally use my wife's one instead, which can result in some confusion when it comes to wargaming. I've been meaning to set up my own account for ages but she grabbed the email address that we share first, so I'm stuck with 'hijacking' her one instead, as I don't really want to have multiple emails and passwords. Anyway, I've been farting about on her Facebook page recently in order to tap into the Naval Wargaming group and Naval Command group pages, both of which are worth an occasional flyby. I'm not a fan of Facebook but it's become the 'go to' location for wargaming on the net since the demise of Yahoo groups, so you can't really avoid it. Anyway, if you see this profile picture on your Facebook travels, it's actually me not a mysterious French women with a glass of wine and a maniacal grin!

1 comment:

  1. I’ll make a note not to send nudes selfies to that account!
