Sunday, 28 March 2021

Back of Beyond Bolshevik Bonus

I did some back of a fag packet calculations yesterday and worked out that if I paint three new command figures for my Bolshevik infantry, together with the unit of naval troops, I will be able to deploy another field gun. There's a standard ratio of three infantry or cavalry units for each artillery piece, so I will have the required number without having to paint many more figures. 

I have some spare artillery crew, so all I need is a suitable bit of artillery, with the 28mm Really Useful Gun range from Irregular Miniatures being an obvious place to look. I fancied something with a bit of punch, so have sent off for a Schneider 122mm howitzer, which I think will look really good when I paint and base it up.


  1. Such an interesting project! That naval brigade is going to look great when done.
