Sunday 6 June 2021

Bolt Action Birthday Boy

It's my eldest son's 19th birthday today, so I bought him a bundle of Bolt Action stuff as his present. He's not a bad painter and enjoys playing Warhammer 40K, Star Wars Legion and X-Wing, as well as the occasional game with his dad, so I think he'll get a kick out of Bolt Action even though it's not my favourite set of WW2 skirmish rules. I may even be tempted to paint up my long postponed 28mm Artizan late war Germans or perhaps an extra squad or two for my existing late war US infantry platoon, who knows?


  1. Birthday, hmmm, nice to start, "first one's free...."

  2. You could always try Chain of Command, or Five Men in Normandy. Sound like you're making him a wargamer, which can't be a bad thing ! 😁

  3. Happy birthday to him! And of course, you don't really need to play Bolt Action with those miniatures, you can play Chain of Command or one of Nordic Weasel Games like 5 men in Normandy, or any other Platoon based game really.

  4. Thanks chaps,

    Lomg term I'm going to convert him over to Chain of Command or similar but, in the meantime, he's more likely to find Bolt Action opponents when he goes off to university.

  5. Happy Birthday to your son.


