Wednesday 30 June 2021

Five Parsecs from Home

I made one of those 'ooh, shiny!' impulse purchases at the weekend, when Northstar were offering the new, ever so shiny hardback edition of Five Parsecs From Home at a discount. I like Nordic Weasel rules but never really considered this solo, RPG sci-fi campaign focussed system as an option. I sounds really intriguing and I was suckered into ordering a copy by the thought of a narrative 'kitchen table' campaign of my own, using 15mm GZG or Laserburn figures to keep it affordable. Who knows, it might even happen?


  1. LOL, It's OK Jim I got bitten by the same bug. At least I already have plenty of sci-fi troops from Stargrunt and others it might just happen here too....

  2. Stargrunt figures are very nice, have a huge variety, and are cheap...

    Also tempted by this book, although it has not been available here yet.

  3. I've been on the fence about getting a copy. I picked up Stargrave, but now I'm wondering if Five Parsecs may have been a better choice. I'll be interesting to read your impressions.

  4. I really like the idea of some GZG or Laserburn figures on a 2' x 2' or even smaller board...easy to set up, store away and with lots of potential for some nice modular style terrain.

  5. I was waiting for an offer. Didn’t see this one. Missed out. 😥

  6. I'm sure it will be on offer elsewhere for a discount at some point..I only just picked up on the Northstar offer!

  7. I too picked this up on a whim and I must say I love it! I think I’ve finally found my rules for sci-fi narrative-driven campaign skirmish gaming. I’m using 15mm on a 2’ by 2’ board as well. Really getting into this!

  8. I agree with Mark. Lots of lovely narrative, random dice rolls between games sets your imagination wild with your crew's backstory and the sort of world they (randomly) inhabit. Backed up by a really good, quite quick tabletop single player skirmish system that has the right amount of tension. Well pleased with my decision to purchase and three turns in I am up and running with only one person in the sick bay! I highly recommend it.
