Sunday 27 June 2021

Modern Chinese Navy Taskforce Finished

I managed to grab some time today to finish the bases and labels for the 1/3000th scale modern PLAN taskforce and the Chinese fishing fleet, both of which having been stalled on the workbench due to work commitments. I mucked up both the bases and the labels at one point, so they took a bit longer than I expected. They came out looking okay but they're not great, although good enough for some games with the new edition of Naval Command, when it is released in the not too distant future. I also finished the modernised version of the Chilean Type 22 flagship, Almirante Williams, so that I can use my Chilean fleet well into the 2000's.


  1. The ships look great. I'm looking forward to seeing you get them into action.

  2. Replies
    1. Do you have any rule mods when you play Naval Command solo?

    2. No. It works quite well as a solo system.

  3. Those look great Jim.


