Wednesday 2 June 2021

More Nonomhan / Khalkin Gol Scenario Plans

I've been plugging away at the books to find good scenario material for Bag the Hun, now with a focus on larger, more complex dogfights to enable some multiplayer participation. The latest one I've selected occurred on the 24th June, with eight 70th IAP I-16's led by Spanish Civil War veteran Major I.Lakeev as top cover for nine I-15's led by another Spanish veteran, Kapitan Y.Stepanov, with the latter acting as bait for twenty Ki-27's of the 24th Sentai. This was a classic dogfight in which both sides suffered losses but ended in a Japanese withdrawal after Soviet reinforcements arrived in the shape of eight more I-16's. This would be a really good scenario for four people, with the two Soviet formations allocated to one pair while the Japanese force can be split evenly between the other pair of players.