Tuesday 8 June 2021

Summer Naval Project 2021

In normal times I take a wargaming project of some sort on my summer holidays, with the aim being to prepare a full set of models ready for painting in the second half of the year.

In the past, this has included an AK47 army, a tribal army for In the Heart of Africa, a Napoleonic French fleet, a fleet of Peter Pig pirate ships, some late Victorian ironclads and various other things, most of which are now gathering dust in storage boxes. It's still a good way to get some lead shifted down the production line and is actually quite an enjoyable thing to do on a quiet evening.

This year it looks like we won't be able to get away, at least not to Brittany, due to the Covid-19 travel restrictions. As a result, I have been debating whether or not to do a project this summer, which would be another naval themed project if it happened. If I do, I'm going to pick from a shortlist of three or four projects, most of which are on my 'to do' list for 2021. 

The front runner is an Italian Regia Marina or IJN fleet in 1/3000th scale, to use against my existing French fleet with the Find, Fix and Strike rules. In second place, is a 1/2400th scale Age of Sail project based on the Isles of Scilly c1650, using the Mad for War rules. In the last place, there's the Steamer Wars WW1 project in 1/600th scale based on Lake Tanganyika. If those don't float my boat, there's always some more 1/2400th scale Victorian ironclads or pre-dreadnoughts to be added to the painting pile.

I'll have to make up my mind soon....!


  1. I have played steamer wars. You don't need many boats but it was good fun. We played all the battles in an evening.

    1. That's one of the things that I like about it...quick to set up and easy to play in a weekend or so.

  2. All these projects are looking good!

    I hope you'll be able to come to Brittany if you have the opportunity! The weather is very nice there at the moment!
