Tuesday 31 August 2021

Black Powder Napoleonic Club Game


The lad couldn't get time off work this evening so the Bolt Action game was scrubbed and instead I joined in with a Black Powder game run by Gary and Laurent. I'm not a fan or IGOUGO rules but it clipped along at a fair pace and looked really good, mainly due to the figures painted by the eponymous umpires. I played the British right flank, which was eventually routed under extreme pressure by the French Old Guard but performed very well despite being almost wiped out, along with most of the British centre. In the end the French won the day but, if it was a campaign it would have been a strategic draw at the very least, with the British buying valuable time for the allies. Not really my cup of tea but an enjoyable game and it did look the mutts nuts.


  1. Although it can be more than an IGOUGO with the possibility of double and even triple moves. And the "follow me" rule (I think that's its name) can be a game changer.

  2. Lovely looking game with some excellent figures.
    Regards, James
