Saturday 9 October 2021

Corsairs and Cavaliers Play Testing

I played another game of Corsairs and Cavaliers today, mainly to test drive the transport aircraft rules but also to give the game a proper run through. In the end I realised that the Victory Points needed a complete overhaul, so I have made the necessary tweaks to fix the problem of games ending too quickly. The end result, using the revised VP's, was a narrow win for El Salvador, with one Salvadoran Mustang Cavalier shot down but the damaged C-47 transport successfully crossing the table. The Hondurans lost a Corsair and the other two both ended up with gun jams, so made a run for home rather than get shot down by the remaining Cavalier. It was a really enjoyable game despite the marginal end result and I'm planning to run another one tomorrow, this time with a mix of trainer aircraft and fighters for some more ground attack play testing.


  1. Nice looking game. I really like the game mat you're using. It fits really well with your stands. Good luck with the rest of the playtest!
