Friday 26 November 2021

Bag the Six Hundred

I've just noticed that I have somehow or other managed to get to six hundred posts about Bag the Hun games, scenarios, aircraft painting and other stuff, with the first one way back in December 2009. It's obviously a set of rules with some legs, at least as far as my aerial wargaming activities are concerned, although it seems to have lost its place in the top rank of Too Fat Lardies rules these days. If you haven't tried it out yet then why not make it a project for 2022. You might even get to enjoy it as much as I have over the last twelve years or more, who knows?


  1. Thanks to your inspiration, I received my first order from Tumbling Dice on Wednesday. Next year I hope to run a mini-campaign using Bag the Hun / Squadron Forward with VGF-29 off the USS Santee during Operation Torch. I ordered a nice mix of US Navy aircraft and some French fighters and bombers.

  2. 600 BTH posts. Truly impressive!
