Thursday 20 January 2022

Finest Hour Decal Delivery


I was despairing of ever getting my hands on the Miscellaneous Miniatures decals I ordered for the Finest Hour project, when I decided to have a rummage through the bank statements stacked up on the hall table. Lo and behold, the envelope containing the RAF and Luftwaffe decals had been shoved between some similarly innocuous envelopes by the hand of fate, or by the other half who had mistaken it for a bill of some sort. In the interim I have also ordered some sheets of insignia from Dan at Flight Deck Decals, so I will now have all that I need to finish off the aircraft I've painted and most of the ones in the painting schedule. Huzzah!


  1. I do love a happy ending! Can't wait to see them on the aircraft.

  2. You are having more luck with the mail than me.....

  3. Hurrah! Glad they showed up :-)
