Wednesday 12 January 2022

For he's a jolly good fellow!

Fellow naval wargaming enthusiast, master of the scratch built ironclad and all round jolly good chap, David Crook, very kindly sent me a hefty parcel the other day, jam packed full of 1/3000th scale goodies including a wide selection of US and Japanese warships and some very useful terrain bits and bobs. I've been really busy with work this week, so haven't had time to give them proper rummage through to see exactly what's in the box, but there is a whole load of stuff that will really push my WW2 naval wargaming in the right direction this year. Thank you David! 


  1. Hello there Jim,

    My pleasure old chap - sorry it took so long to get to you!

    All the best,


    PS Looking forward to seeing what you make of the shore batteries.
