Thursday 24 February 2022

Peter Pig Pocket Money


My sister gave me a fifty quid Peter Pig gift voucher for my birthday back in January, which I've been holding on to for a rainy day. The word on the streets is that there will be a price rise in April, so I now have only a few days in which to make the most of the voucher before it loses some spending power. I have narrowed down the options to about three or four possibilities but I'm having trouble making up my mind, so wouldn't mind a nudge in the most interesting direction, bearing in mind that even fifty quid doesn't stretch that far these days. The options are:

1. A Chain of Command US infantry platoon and extra bits for WW2.

2. A Mexican Revolution rebel army for an as yet undecided set of rules (new project....aargh!)

3. A WW1 late war French company and support for Through the Mud and Blood.

4. A selection of extra RCW bits for Red Actions! e.g. tchankas, artillery, a staff car, some top up red infantry etc.

5. As above but for the SCW and When the Dice Rolls.

What would you go for in your infinite wargaming wisdom?


  1. I have played for whom the dice rolls and it's earlier incarnations with the author umpiring as he developed the rules. Using the PP figures. I've also played Trebian's RCW version again using PP figures. Both have been engaging and entertaining games. So I would go with one of those options.

  2. The PP Mexican Revolution figures are very nice......
    The Rfcm rules for the same period have just been published as well....

  3. 4 or 5 (probably in that order), since you ask!

  4. 1 - Build out a complete army rather than something else part done.

  5. Currently havering over a PP Sudan project - so if I had a £50 voucher, that's definitely where I'd spend it.

  6. Somewhat late to the party, but I don't see any mention there of more AK47 forces ;)
