Sunday 22 May 2022

NEWSFLASH - Mpongo on Tour (Reuters)

President Mpongo

From our diplomatic correspondent in Njuba

In a brief press conference this morning, President for Life of Mbote, General Papi Mpongo, announced a programme of inspection tours that he will be conducting to advance units of the Mbote Defence Force (MDF) in the disputed border zone with the neighbouring People's Democratic Republic of Zubuto. 

President Mpongo confirmed that he will be escorted by a military protection detail and a convoy of MDF troops, in order to ensure his personal safety and as a show of strength for the populace of the border zone, who have been subjected to a series of cross border raids by militia forces allegedly supported by the Zubuto Army of the People (ZAP). 

Colonel Ijek Taseet

In addition, the commander of the Mbote Air Force, Colonel Ijek Taseet, announced that air assets for surveillance and counter insurgency patrols in the border zone, including helicopter gunships and fighter bombers, will be stepped up for the duration of the tours of inspection. 

C.R.A.P. Peacekeeping Patrol in the border zone

A spokesman for the Combined Regional African Peacekeeping mission in Wanga Wanga, Major Short Cummins, cautioned against the presence of additional military forces in the border zone, stating that it could be misinterpreted by the government of Zubuto as an escalation of the long running conflict.