Saturday 2 July 2022

Fivecore Skirmish


I'm looking at some options for the 28mm Commando Miniatures figures that I have for Aden and Radfan, which opens up all sorts of possibilities when it comes to skirmish, squad-level rules. My first thought was to use the Fistful of Lead Core rules, the One Hour Skirmish Wargaming system or even Danger Close! but I'm now leaning toward Nordic Weasel's Fivecore Skirmish rules. I like the way the Fivecore system works and, although I haven't tried it out yet, I think it would be an excellent fit for the post-colonial Middle Eastern setting that I'm working on, as it includes its own campaign and scenario generation system. It also ties in really well with my Sandbox Skirmish project in 15mm, which will use No End In Sight. 


  1. Hi Jim,

    FiveCore would certainly be my first choice for a squad level skirmish game. I'm a big fan of most of Ivan's rules but especially the FiveCore series, as you've probably gathered from my previous comments.

    But apart from FiveCore, for skirmish gaming I also really enjoy playing Chain Reaction 2015, the free-to-download skirmish ruleset from Two Hour Wargames. You probably know the system as I can see references to Nuts in your labels list, but if you haven't played the rules I'd really recommend testing the system. Being freeware it's nothing like was full featured as FiveCore* but it gives a very good game nevertheless. All the mechanisms work well but the core reaction system is particularly good. Put together with the rules for randomising the strength, location and action of enemy forces it creates levels of uncertainty and tension that are rare in wargaming. The system is my default alternative to FiveCore whenever I have a scenario that's likely to benefit from a stealthy, creep and peek style of play. (That said, I don't think it will ever supplant FiveCore.)

    By the way, I've been working on three QRSs for FiveCore Skirmish, covering terrain effects, permitted actions and fire combat modifiers. They're usable (and in use) though I'm still editing them. If they'd be any use to you, let me know. I'd be happy to share them with you.

    I see you still intend to use No End in Sight for platoon level actions. Did you ever get that game onto the table? I'd be really interested in your take on it if you did. I have the rules and I've tried them but simply can't warm to them. The system seems oddly fussy by comparison with the elegance of FiveCore. In the end I worked up an adaptation to allow FiveCore Skirmish to be used for platoon level games. So now I either use that or FUBAR (which is pretty good anyway).



    *to give Ivan get more credit, very few rulesets are anything like as feature-rich as FiveCore.

  2. Thanks Chris. I do like the Fivecore rules!

    1. Hi Jim, so I think you mean that you would like a copy of the QRS'? In that case drop me an email at "chris{d=o=t:}c2h2{a=t}g{etc}.com and I'll send them to you. Regards, Chris (btw, I'm sorry to have been slow to get back to you - I've been away for a few days.)
