Thursday 29 September 2022

US Pre-dreadnought Squadron 1890's

USS Charleston

Inspired by the real-life Baltimore Incident and by a couple of 'What If?' scenarios in the excellent Monroe's Legacy, the other half of my pre-dreadnought project is a small US cruiser squadron, initially consisting of the protected cruiser USS Baltimore and USS Charleston, accompanied by the gunboats USS Yorktown and USS Bennington. When these have been painted the squadron will be reinforced by the earlier protected cruisers USS Newark, USS Atlanta and USS Boston, with the battleship USS Maine possibly being added as a bit of additional firepower. There really is a lot of potential here for some exciting counterfactual games, based on the premise that the US and Chile come to blows, with the Royal Navy possibly stepping in as a big stick to sort out the kerfuffle!

1 comment:

  1. I've got a few extra ships on my list for the Chilean-American war of 1901-1902: Cruiser San Francisco (which was very similar to the Newark, but with a different gun arrangement) and the steam sloops Pensacola, Mohican, Iroquois, and a few ships that could reasonably sent with the Maine from the Atlantic as reinforcements: Puritan, Monterey, and maybe the New York.
