Tuesday 3 January 2023

Magic Carpets


My wife ordered a rug the other day which arrived this morning, so was duly ignored and dumped in the kitchen to await approval. In the meantime, I got on with some work and forgot about it, until the other half opened the big tube-shaped parcel and discovered not a bespoke, hand-knitted piece of floor furniture, but my Deep Cut Studios desert aerial wargaming mat instead. 

This was far more exciting than a mangy flea-bitten floor rug, but I have yet to un-roll it for a proper inspection due to other things getting in the way. It turns out I ordered the neoprene backed version, although I don't remember doing so, which is even better than I expected. It also means my Agacher Strip War project is one step closer to the start line! 


  1. Time for me to get the popcorn out - I can't wait to see how the famous Captain Alex gets on in his solitary MiG-17
