Monday 6 March 2023

Argentinian and Chilean Pre-dreadnoughts Finished

Chilean Battleship and Protected Cruiser

Argentinian Protected Cruiser

Argentinian Armoured Cruisers 

Argentinian Squadron 

Chilean Squadron 

I've now completed my first project for the year, more or less, with the Argentinian squadron now finished alongside the Chilean squadron, which has a couple of new pre-dreadnought warships as well. I could add the 'What If?' extras and some torpedo boat destroyers but this is all I need to try out some rules for a few games, so I'm calling it job done! I'm now thinking of changing focus and, instead of tackling the Royal Navy pre-dreadnought project, starting the Red Actions! 15mm AFSR army earlier than planned, just for a bit of something completely different.


  1. They look great. Well done Jim!

  2. These really do look very good indeed Jim. While I have absolutely no intention of doing pre-dreadnoughts, seeing these it did cross my mind for a second...

  3. I really like your painting style Jim - I just do a pin wash and dry brush to pick out details but your style really make the details pop out. Might have to get some pre-dreads and have a go (though I bought a whole host of TD napoleonic ships at Hammerhead on Saturday, so maybe one thing at a time...)

    1. You know it makes sense! Actually I have a load of the TD Napoleonic ships too..I really should paint them up!

  4. Great work Jim! I second the comment regards the great crisp paint style you use. The minis look the business. Please crack on with the British pre-dreds…it’d be lovely to see the black, buff, white ships of ‘ol blighty.

    As an aside, I picked up from wargames vault the fear god and Dreadnought scenario books that you might well be interested in. They are Monroe’s Legacy and In Mahan’s Wake…two great value pdfs chock full of good scenario details and campaign ideas. The Mahan book has many scenarios pitting GB vs FR in the 1906 Great Maritime War of 1899…highly recommended!

    Top stuff!

    1. Thanks. I'm having second thoughts about diversifying my projects for the Summer so may well just do that!

  5. Have you played 'Broadside and Salvo' and 'DBSA' do you think they compare (if you have)?

    1. I haven't played either yet. I have played Broadside and Ram a lot, which is very similar to B+S. Good for big games, as it's very simple and quick.Not so good if you want any detail. I'd go for Tsushima.
