Friday 7 April 2023

Napoleonic Naval 1/2400th Revisited


Nick Jones has a new campaign planned over on his excellent Bloody Betancourt blog, this time not up in the air but all at sea, with a Caribbean 'What If?' Napoleonic naval focus:

This reminded me of my own Tumbling Dice French Napoleonic naval fleet, which has been swinging at anchor for a few years and almost made it to the workbench in 2022. Perhaps it's time to get on with painting this lot, as I don't think it will be too difficult to do, especially as they're all based and undercoated? Nick reckons he's got a cunning plan for painting the Tumbling Dice ships, so I might ask him what his secret method is in order to get my lot sorted!


  1. Lol - my 'cunning plan' is basically just to copy your method of painting ironclads Jim! Paint the whole thing black, then paint white where it's not going to be black (sails, gunwhales, gun decks, masts) to make sure the colours aren't dulled down, then paint over with yellow ochre for masts and gun decks, a wash over the sails and gunwhales in blue, red or apple green depending on nationality. Stern galleries are just painted blue and drybrushed with gold

  2. A ha! That explains it. Seems to work well from your photos.
