Thursday 12 October 2023

Wings at War Move and Turn Thingys


One of the chaps on the Wings at War Facebook group produced some laser cut move and turn template thingys for a game at Partizan, then offered them for sale, so I now have a couple of sets. These are pretty nifty and are more durable than the ones you can download from the webpage, although the arrows are pointing the wrong way, as you can see. If you ignore that, they're pretty neat and make movement a lot less like guesswork and a bit more accurate. Nice!


  1. I suspect that the arrow on the 'two 45 degree tight turns' template indicates that you should put the notched end on the corner of the plane's base and then move the base to the flat end. That will give a 90 degree turn (2 x 45).

    1. Yes, that's what I thought but it's different from the rules for who knows?

  2. Those look handy! Is there a way of getting them without signing up for FB?
