Friday 22 December 2023

Red Actions! Freikorps


Despite assembling and basing an entire White AFSR army for Red Actions! this year, I singularly failed to actually paint anything for this project, despite several attempts to get going. As usual, I was side tracked by other things but I was also a bit daunted by the prospect of painting shedloads of infantry, cavalry, artillery and vehicles, including the obligatory armoured train! The units I've based and undercoated have been staring at me from the shelf above the workbench but, for whatever reason, have still to see a lick of paint.

To get this project going again, as I have a willing and able opponent lined up with a Red army, I've decided to revert to my initial plan which was to paint a Freikorps army for the Baltic. I have all the figures, guns and vehicles for this, so can get started straight away in 2024, with the added advantage that it requires about half the number of bases compared to the Whites. It also has some very neat support units and add-ons, which will motivate me to get cracking, so Red Actions! is definitely one of my key projects for next year.

1 comment:

  1. Having completed a Bolshevik Army and used it in several games of Red Actions, I urge you to get your Whites done too! Freikorps are all very well, but...... :)
