Wednesday 17 January 2024

Norwegian Campaign Capital Ship Basing


It's flipping freezing in the garage where my workbench is located, so painting has been postponed for a few days, not helped by being really busy with work and weekend family things. The bases for the capital ships have now been textured and undercoated, ready for painting at the end of the week, when I have an unexpected day off. I'm hoping to finish this part of the Norwegian Campaign project over the weekend, ready to start in the cruisers and destroyers.


  1. You always make such beautiful ship bases. If you ever get the urge for it, I would very much appreciate if you could do a post of how you make them. I've tried to search around for tips, but the ones who do go into details over how they make theirs, are sadly not as lovely as yours :)

  2. Thanks Jens,

    I will do a how to asap

    1. A billion thanks! I have about 30 ships, but none based since I can't seem to do it right :D

    2. I'll get on it as soon as I can grab the time

    3. Mille grazie! I play with them without bases, so please don't feel any hurry for my sake, I'm just very greatful whenever you would have the time :)
