Sunday 21 January 2024


I have made up my mind about the Death in the Dark Continent army I'm planning to paint this year, picking the Tuta as my first army, a branch of the Ngoni who occupied an area around Lake Tanganyika. I already had a few packs of these Copplestone Watuta warrior figures and have topped them up with some elite Ngoni to create the core units, with three or four bases each. To this I will add some units of raw warriors and skirmishers from the Foundry figures I gave already assembled. It's a really good army with lots of potential enemies including Arab Slavers, expeditions, Zanzibaris, British, Germans and generic villagers. You can also use them as allies for Ruga Rugs, so lots of options. 


  1. Nice castings, should be interesting to see your take on the area.

  2. And hopefully quick to paint 🤔
