Wednesday 14 February 2024

Steam Launch

I don't actually have any lake coastline for the Death in the Dark Continent project, although various cunning plans are afoot to sort some out that will match Jon's terrain, but I thought I'd do a steam launch regardless, as you can't really not have one for this sort of thing. I would usually scratch build something and may still do so, but the Sarissa Precision MDF kit is cheap, easy to put together and looks pretty good, at least as far as I can tell from various blog posts by other people. I've seen Jon's one up close and it looks excellent, so 'why not?' I thought to myself. I'll get round to building it at some point, possibly as a sectional river launch for an expedition or for the German force I'm thinking of putting together. Jolly good stuff!


  1. I love this kit and hope you enjoy putting yours together. A little piece of tube and some rivets helped to lift the slightly angular kit into one of my favourites in the collection.
