Sunday 17 March 2024

Best Laid Plans on the Beach


I wouldn't blame you if you were thinking that not much has been happening at the workbench over the last week or so. This is due to an avalanche of work related things including an Ofsted inspection, end of term assessments and extra hours, combined with family related distractions involving a visit by my father and a weekend away at the Six Nations rugby match in Cardiff. 

I've also got a horrible chest infection and cold, which has knocked me for six and won't bugger off. All of this has completely scuppered my plan to get the Napoleonic Royal Navy fleet painted by the end of term, so instead I'm going to take the models with me on holiday and paint them in Brittany, perhaps even squeezing in a game or two of Nick Jones excellent rules, albeit with unfinished ships. Sounds like a plan!


  1. hope the cold clears up quickly. Looking forward to seeing the progress on these.

    it's funny every time I read a blog post or watch a youtube video, I think "oh that reminds me of something I should finish!" haha

    In this case I bought the Black Sails Master & Commander box set a while ago and haven't finished the models or played the game. but I haven't abandoned them yet!

  2. My goodness me you seem to have a run of troubles. Hope the OfSted inspection went well and you kick that cold into touch. Take care.

  3. Ofsted was good thanks but I'm knackered

    1. Well done, it doesn't seem to matter how many you get through they always bring a certain level of anxiety with them.

  4. Sorry to hear you're not well, matey, but hope you get to enjoy a bit of Age of Sail gaming - your games always look so good
