Thursday 2 May 2024

The First Chilean Naval Squadron


The ongoing Napoleonic naval painting I've been working away at has given me some ideas for a mini-project linked to my existing South American ironclad and pre-dreadnought fleets. This would be to assemble the various ships of the First Chilean Naval Squadron of the 1820"s, either in 1/2400th to match my other stuff or possibly in 1/700th using the Black Seas plastic models, with a few resin 3D prints for some of the smaller vessels. I might even consider 1/1200th as Langton Miniatures has some suitable models that would work very well. It's just an idea I'm floating about with but I think it would be good fun and a bit different from the usual.


  1. Oh! One of my absolute favourite subjects - South America is such a rich seam for Age of Sail and with Cochrane involved there's plenty available in English (unlike the War of the Confederation; I'm still laboriously translating texts for that)

  2. It's a fascinating subject...I really need to do some more reading before I can sort something out
