Sunday 26 November 2017

Flashpoint Taiwan Finished

Well, almost. I have spent most of the afternoon finishing off the four F-86 Sabres and MiG-17's for the Target Locked On! Flashpoint:Taiwan project, which means that I have everything sorted for a game. I do have some more ROCAF planes to paint but I can more than make do with what I've got, both for 1958 and 1967. The decals are a bit out of scale but they look quite respectable from arms length. I don't have time now for a proper Target Locked On! playtest, however, so I'll have to leave that until next weekend when I can clear the decks and get it set up.


  1. Looking plain awesome, Jim, now let’s see some fights! ;)


  2. Thanks Jack...inspired by your blog AAR's to get some games underway. Hoping to roll the dice next weekend...about time too!
