Saturday 3 November 2018

Charity Shop Terrain Board

I dropped into the local charity shop this morning and spotted a canvas covered picture frame for a tenner. It has a pretty sturdy wooden sub-structure with a hardboard or mdf top, covered in a beige canvas with a square paper picture glued on top. It measures 32'' square, so not far off the standard three foot square skirmish game area. I got it home, stripped off as much of the paper picture as possible with a palette knife, sanded it down, glued the bits I'd scuffed up with PVA, then covered the surface with a skim of acrylic paste, dappled on and smeared around to give it some texture. It's drying off now and will get a basecoat of Homebase Cashmere emulsion paint to match the prototype desert cork board that I made last weekend. If it works and doesn't warp, it will be my default terrain board for the Sandbox Skirmish project and other things as well.


  1. Good find! Should work out well. 😀

  2. Hope so. Every time I've tried something like this it's always warped like a banana!

  3. Have you ever tried coating the reverse of the boards? I've found with 2mm and 3mm thick MDF by painting the reverse side with a spray can seal it and help prevent warping.

  4. That's a great idea. Thanks Ben. 😊
