Wednesday 14 November 2018

Rebel APC Transport

I found an old 15mm Skytrex BTR 152 APC at the bottom of the AK47 bits box yesterday, while looking for stowage to add to the Landrover. It is a bit knackered and there's even a hole in the bottom but I'm going to add it to the rebel transport capability, which at the moment consists of a GAZ truck and four camels! I also have a cunning plan to make a modular  'drop in' plastic card base that I will glue a bunch of militia figures to, having chopped them off at the midriff, so that I can have it loaded up with footsore rebels or rapidly unloaded when they realise what a splendid target it makes for the Hawker Hunter fighter bombers. I think it will look pretty good?


  1. Fantastic! I've been working on something similar with my 20mm figures. By using sabot bases I can have generic vehicles and transports used for multiple forces :)

  2. I agree Jim - it will look pretty good. Any idea when you might play your first game?

  3. I'm aiming for after Xmas...who knows if I'll get there😂
