Monday 19 November 2018

Village Fields

I have been side tracked into terrain making again but this time it's fairly straightforward and painless, I hope. These are small fields and garden plots for the Sandbox Skirmish project, designed to be placed around the Red Vectors village buildings that I have yet to construct, although some of the smaller Blotz buildings can also be used for rural areas.

I've used acrylic paste and sand to texture them but will add a few stones as well around he edges, as my grandad used to tell me that the Pathan farmers would pile them up then use them as cover for sniping at his plane! I have some Javis grass mat that I got from somewhere or other (?) which I will cut up and use as crops for some of the fields, with some of the others as harvested or fallow ground. 


  1. Very nice. They look good. Are they based on MDF? I have been thinking of basing mine on felt to move with the landscape. Since I haven't tried yet, it could be a terrible idea.

  2. Yes, mdf bases as they'll be laid around a village on the flat. I'm sure that felt would work for more bumpy terrain.
