Friday 15 May 2020

Death in the Dark Continent

I've finally been furloughed by the umbrella company that I work for, so will definitely not be going back to work until at least September and probably even later. This obviously means that I will have a few months at home with plenty of DIY to do but also some time to spend on a wargaming project of some description, with something a little more ambitious than a simple skirmish level subject a definite option.

I am already well stocked with possibilities, and have plans in place for a couple of forces for Congo and Saga to start with, but I have also been casting my eye over things I've wanted to do for a long time that require a longer haul. At the moment, I'm trying to tackle things that I've already started or that are on my naval wargaming list of things to do this year, but there's always room for some flexibility.

One thing I do quite like the idea of is Death in the Dark Continent, although I haven't made up my mind whether to go for 15mm or 28mm scale figures. In 15mm I have plenty of Peter Pig Beja 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' figures and enough Egyptians to have two armies, using the standard 30mm x 60mm bases but with double the number of figures on each one. I've tried this out and it looks really good. It's also an economical and relatively quick way to get two armies up and running.

In 28mm I could do the same but focus on a Beja army using the Perry Miniatures plastic box sets, or even a Zulu army using the Warlord Games plastic figures, but it would make more sense to use the metal figures that I already have and go for a proper Sub-Saharan Africa themed force. In have a North Star Matabele army that I bought when the rules came out but also lots of generic tribal figures that could be used as the basis of an army, not to mention Ruga Ruga, Baluchis, Askaris and so on.

I think this needs a lot more thought but it's a really interesting possibility, even if it probably never happens!?

1 comment:

  1. I'm pleased to hear that the furlough situation has been sorted out for you. Looking forward to seeing which way you go on this.
