Monday 4 May 2020

Torpedo Boat Flotilla Basing Bosh

I asked on the MWS group forum about flotilla basing for Broadside and Salvo this morning, in the hope that I could clear up my confusion about how to go about it. It wasn't long before David popped up and set me on the right track, with a very helpful clarification of the rules, in short that a single model destroyer or torpedo boat represents a flotilla of three to five craft. So I got it wrong and Matt got it right, which is not a surprise as I often get the wrong end of the stick and Matt clearly knows what he's doing. 

Anyway, David did suggest that I could use multiple models on a single base if I wanted to, so I'm going to try it out with the French torpedo boats that I ordered the other day, if not with the Durandal class destroyers that I may well save for other things in a Black Sea direction? I like the idea of having a base that looks like a flotilla of torpedo boats rather than a single model, which would look a bit lonely on it's own, especially as the models are absolutely tiny. I've found some 50mm x 50mm bases that might be an option but I'll probably go for the 40mm x 60mm ones.

So, a big thanks to Matt for the tip off and of course to David for his timely, authoritative advice. 


  1. Multi-basing's a good idea. I find destroyers in this scale are barely there anyway. Anything which helps me keep track of the little blighters is good. I think I'll try this.

  2. That's what I was thinking...worth a try and if it doesn't work it's no big deal.

  3. Ha! It's usually me who gets the wrong end of the stick to be honest. It did occur to me after posting that actually it doesn't particularly matter how many models you stick on the base from a rules perspective - it's still a small group of destroyers. So we were both right!

  4. That's what I was's a bit like the Impetus basing, just do what you want on top to make it look the part, as long as it sticks to the rules for movement, firing etc etc.
