Thursday 25 June 2020

Beja Back on Track

I've had a couple of days of decorating and DIY, so made little progress on the Beja units for The Men Who Would Be Kings project, but today I was able to move them on quite a long way. They now have all of the basic blocking in completed, apart from the metallic bits, and the tobes and shields have had a top highlight layer as well. I have used two shades for the tobes, half with the original Foundry Buff Leather that I used on the first unit that I painted, the other half in Foundry Drab. These will all be mixed together at random when I assemble each sixteen man unit, so that there is a realistic tribal look to the army. The last lot of figures may also get some of the tobes in another base colour to add some variety, possibly Foundry Moss or a similar dusty shade. I'm planning to finish these two units over the next couple of days, so that I can move onto the last Tribal Infantry unit and the Irregular Infantry skirmishers next week.


  1. Nice Beja horde developing there. The previous finsihed batch look great too.

  2. Thanks Trev...I'm getting there!
