Monday 15 June 2020

Beja Painting Test Run

Here are a couple of my Beja painted up in a test run of the production line approach that I'm going to use, in order to get all eighty completed by the end of the month, or thereabouts. They won't win any prizes but I'm going for quantity rather than quality, as you can see from the sloppy paintwork. The bases need some more dry brushing and a few tufts, which I've just ordered via eBay, but otherwise I think they're okay for an afternoon's trial and error, hamfisted painting especially as I haven't painted anything larger than 1/300th scale for years. They're still a bit shiny as I've only just brushed on the Army Painter matt varnish, having run out of the spray can version, but they should dull down as they dry out. Only seventy eight more to go!