Monday 22 June 2020


In between painting the house and other DIY headaches, I've been painting the figures for the Sudan project but also playing quite a few games of X-Wing with the lad. I gave all of my first edition X-Wing stuff to him for his present at Xmas, along with some new things to bump up the collection, so he's been learning the rules and trying them out over the lockdown period. I don't post reports here but over on my other blog, where you can see what we've been up to. It even got Tango'ed on TMP when the eponymous shyster spotted some of the photos from the blog and re-posted them to the forum, so the lad's even had fifteen minutes of wargaming fame:

I'm sure we'll have plenty more games to play over the next few weeks.


  1. Been Tango-ed so many times.

  2. I have a few times too..don't mind but you'd think he'd ask first?

  3. Glad you like it my friend

    1. Its a cracking little game...sound effects too!

    2. You know when you've been tangoed :)
