Sunday 30 August 2020

More Modular River Terrain

I've started on the next four modular river boards for the ACW naval project, with three stretches of straight river channel and one right hand bend with bluffs, which is what I rolled up on the river generation table in the rules. I've also used a spare sabot base flipped upside down and sanded to make a little island. I'm debating whether to incorporate some shore batteries into the terrain or to have them as separate drop on features? This basic set up of five tiles will be enough for some practice games but I will follow on with a left hand bend, some wooded river banks, a section of narrows, a minor tributary and a section including a small town with a wharf, which can double up as a ferry pier. I'm hoping to get the four sections on the workbench completed over the bank holiday weekend.


  1. Looking good! I'd go with "drop in" batteries to give yourself maximum flexibility

  2. I’m trying to come up with ideas for making river sections for my new gaming table and these have given me food for thought. Nicely done Mr J:

  3. I was thinking the same but will probably do a mix of the two methods, depending on how it turns out?
