Friday 21 August 2020

USS Choctaw

I completed the scratch built USS Choctaw today, cutting a few corners along the way but ending up with something that I think isn't too far off the original. I was using a reference illustration in Warships and Naval Battles of the American Civil War, which turned out to be a bit inaccurate compared to other sources, so I have fudged a couple of things along the way. The casemate is more square than round and the pilot house is a bit too far back but I think the rest of the model is a fair representation of the Choctaw, at least to the casual observer. Unfortunately, it's also way overscale, at about 1/1600, so I think I'll have to go back to the drawing board and try again. At least it's a good way to practice scratch building ironclads!


  1. Wow, fast work. Looks good and I wouldn’t worry about the minor points, these were pretty crude boats to begin with!

  2. That was fast. I think it looks good and will look better with a nice coat of paint.

    1. I've given it an undercoat and it doesn't look too bad.
