Thursday 13 August 2020

What If? Interwar Naval Wargaming

I've always been interested in a bit of 'What If?' counter factual wargaming, as long as it's based on realistic foundations, so I've been reading The Great Pacific War. This book was written in the early 1920's but depicts a naval war between the US and Japan in the early 1930's, with a remarkable resemblance to the actual war ten years on. I'd heard that it was worth reading and I'm not disappointed, with the inevitable wargaming spin offs already at the back of my mind. 

The latest interwar 1/600th scale aircraft from Tumbling Dice would be ideal for this and I already have an early war Japanese naval battlegroup in 1/3000th scale from Davco in the lead pile, which would only need a few early destroyers, alongside the Hosho and Akagi aircraft carriers to be added in order to model an early 1930's interwar force. It's yet another naval project to add to the growing mountain of nautical lead but it won't be seeing the light of day this year for sure.


  1. I've been slowly planning my own Great Pacific War. I look forward to to seeing future posts on yours.

    1. It's a fascinating idea and really well developed in the book, although there are a few moments where you think it's a bit implausible or not realistic, albeit with hindsight.

  2. I've found the thought of interwar naval wargaming more and more interesting as well! Rolling the technology back 5-10 years for some scenarios could make both a number of quirky designs as well as some of the smaller navies more relevant.

    One I keep coming back to is the South American Dreadnought Race.

    1. Yes I thought of that too but for a What If? South American conflict, with pre-dreadnoughts, early subs and WW1 era aircraft c1920 something?

  3. I've also got a load of 1/3000 stuff that would work for this, I think that those Japanese carriers and cruisers that were badly dated by 1942 would have been on top against the American and British equivalents.

    1. Absolutely, as well as keeping the role of aircraft carriers to a manageable minimum, so still retaining some big gun focus, as well as lots of cruiser actions.
