Sunday 3 January 2021

Indonesian Navy Painted

I braved a ******** freezing workbench this afternoon to get the paintwork finished on the 1/3000th scale 1960's Indonesian fleet, which is now sitting in a box waiting for the matt varnish to dry, which might take a fairly long time given the ambient temperature in the garage. 

The result of my efforts definitely won't set the naval wargaming world on fire, as they are pretty basic and workmanlike, but the aim is to get them on the table, so I'm fairly happy with the end result. They will look better when I've based them too, at least that's what I'm telling myself. 

There are also a trio of 1/600th scale Il-28 Beagles to paint up that I salvaged in a half painted state from another project, so they shouldn't take too long to do. I'm hoping to start the basing tomorrow and have already typed up the base labels, complete with some tongue twisting but accurate titles to confuse the opposition!


  1. They look great! Good luck on pronouncing the names.

    1. Thanks Pete,

      I might need to try Google translate?
