Wednesday 10 February 2021

Blocking In

I've braved the freezing cold garage today to undercoat and base coat two thirds of the Royal Navy Task Force, together with a super tanker. I'm going to be taking these one step at a time, the next stage being to block in the hulls, superstructure and decks, if I can stop my teeth chattering and my fingers turning blue? 


  1. If its that cold you should be doing the Cod War, not the Konfrontazi!

  2. An impressive array, and I can sympathise since it's -10C here in Ohio and I have figures to spray undercoat.

    1. It's not quite as cold as that but I am wrapping up warm!

  3. "Cold War", love it.

    Looking good. I.m curious, what paint(s) do you use for the water? You're really tempting/inspiring me to get back into post war naval gaming.

  4. The ones in the photo are just base coated in Vallejo Dark Sea Grey. I do that so that its easier to paint the ships, then overpaying the base in Foundry Union Blue, Union Blue Light and some drybrushing, followed by an ink wash and varnish.
