Sunday 14 February 2021

MiG Alley

I completed my Wings at War MiG Alley project, give or take some minor extra bits, about a year ago. It originally started way back in the mists of 2009 (!), before I wandered off in other directions, then got hammered to semi-competion in 2018 and polished off in 2020, so it only took a little over a decade to do.

I didn't get round to actually playing a game this time last year, however, for some inexplicable reason, so I'm planning to run a few over the next week or so with my son, so that all that effort isn't wasted. The dining room table should be available as it's half term so not needed for school work, which means I can set up the terrain and get cracking.


  1. Exciting! I don’t have as many aircraft as you painted up, but looking forward to seeing yours on the table.

  2. I should have done it ages ago but other things seemed to get in the way!
