Saturday 13 February 2021

Naval Command: Exclusion Zone

Now that I have the RN subs painted for the 'What If?' Indonesian Confrontation project, I have the chance to run a try out scenario using the Naval Command rules and a simplified version of the Exclusion Zone scenario from the rule book. This will have the Indonesians as the surface force and the British submarines as the blockading force, although the former will be slimmed down a bit and I'll also reduce the number of dummy contact markers to speed things up. I'm going to use a Don class submarine tender as the principal target for the submarines, escorted by a couple of Riga class frigates and a Skory class destroyer, with an Il-28 Beagle standing in as a patrol aircraft. I suspect I'll get a bit bogged down in the rules mechanics to begin with but, hopefully, I'll get a good grasp of the rules in the process!