Monday 15 February 2021

Wash and Go

I've just spent an hour or so painting the second lot of Navwar RN warships for the IndoCon project, which was a lot less straightforward than I expected. 

I'm experimenting with basing then painting the models, which speeds up the first bit but slows down the second, as it's a pain in the **** trying to get a neat waterline. The castings are a bit rough too, so it's been hard getting a decent, neat finish. 

Oh well, they've now been ink washed and are drying off, so that I can do some tidying up then paint the bases, which I'm hoping will pull them together a bit more? 


  1. Is it the lighting or do they look a little blue?

    1. It's the lighting. The flash bounced back off the wet bases I think.

  2. They look smart. I do like to do the bases first on ships this size., but as you say can be a fuss to get the lines right

  3. I think i overcooked the texturing but the pre dreadnoughts that I've based like this are better, so I'm not abandoning the approach just yet.
