Monday 8 March 2021

Bulldogs Away!

A couple of years ago I started a modern fast attack craft project in 1/700th scale using the Skytrex models and some plastic kits, with the aim being to use the Bulldogs Away! rules for some 'what if?' imaginations AK47 style naval wargaming. This didn't happen but at the weekend I found the box of models that I assembled for the Soviet backed force, so I may well have a go at finishing them as a small project at some point this year, perhaps as an adjunct to the Steamer Wars Lake Tanganyika project that I have on the 'to do' list. It would kill two birds with one stone for a start, as any African lake coastal terrain that I need can be doubled up. In the meantime, as I have the old first edition of the rules, I thought I'd jazz up the rather understated cover a bit, so here it is.


  1. Very cool, I was thinking of doing something like this in the Baltic. Useing a fictional Rump East German government still functioning in A reestablished east Prussia.

  2. Great idea! I wondered about a Baltic theme too, as I have some PT Dockyard resin Spicas as well as the Skytrex stuff. Very cool!

    1. It would be a at least a year into the future, but the idea being, East Prussia is still a territory and administrated by the DDR, but still used as a military outpost of the USSR. Every thing else happens as it does in are time line. Accept that when the wall comes down, the Hardliners, military and party faithfully flea or immigrate over to the territory. Which is then Given over fully to the new Rump DDR of East Prussia.
      They also steal the Melel strip and occupy Lithuanian territory in support of USSR in the "January Events".
      So they occupy territory in the Baltic nations, and are generally a jerk to every one around them. And no one can out right smash them because the Russian Fed still support them. And kind of use's them as a northern European N. Korea attack dog. (You better approve that pipeline EU or the DDR might start launching missiles or shoot up a patrol or fishing boat.)
      So that's the basic back ground, So the biggest shit they would have would a few frigates and support ships. With lots of minelayers, Patrol and missile boats etc.
      Mostly Russian hand me downs, but they are hitting up China for posable modern ships as well.
      As I said work in progress.
