Friday 12 March 2021

Bulldogs Away! AK47 Mash Up

I have had a closer look at my stash of 1/700 Soviet models for Bulldogs Away! and have also located the other half of the set up, a selection of Skytrex Israeli FAC's. These are a mixed lot of a couple of Saar 2's, a Saar 3, a Reshef, a Romat and an Aliyah, so I may do a bit of swapping of parts to make at least three identical boats plus a flotilla leader. As it's an 'imaginations' project I am able to play around with the weapons fit too. I'm thinking of making the Soviet equipped force a Swahili speaking nation a bit like Malawi or Tanzania, while the Israeli equipped force would be an Afrikaans or even Zulu speaking country, so that I can give the boats suitably African names. It's all very much in an AK47 style, so I may even use my existing nations of Mbote and Nbuto, who knows? 


  1. That looks like fun, where did you get the Grisha?

    1. It's a Combrig kit I bought from WEM way back before closed down.
