Wednesday 10 March 2021

Naval Command First Impressions

I played the Indonesian Confrontation scenario that I wrote for use with Naval Command today and it turned out to be a very interesting if slightly frustrating game, which highlighted the good points of the system and also some of the obvious flaws, most of which related to the damage and damage control mechanisms. On the whole I enjoyed it and found it an easy set of rules to grasp but there are a few things that I'm not totally sold on, with the proliferation of counters being one of them. 

I was using the latest edition of the rules (2019) which are a streamlined version of the third edition rules. I think they've been trimmed back too far to be honest, with some of the detail and clarity lost along the way, although I haven't played the earlier version so it's difficult to judge. I may well replay the scenario with the older rules and also have a go with Shipwreck! which should be an interesting comparison. There's definitely going to be a follow on scenario either way.

There's a full after action report on the way but lets just say it went pretty much as expected for the Royal Navy!


  1. Interesting. I played a bit of MODGames “Seapower” and then the Skytrex modern rules. Shipwreck came a bit late for my naval miniature gaming, but I would be interested to see how you find it.

  2. I think it will work well for the level of game I'm aiming for?
