Sunday 11 July 2021

Bag the Hun Khalkhin Gol Scenario D: Revised

11th Sentai, 2nd Chutai Ki-27 - the Red Legged Hawks!

22nd IAP I-16 Type 10 with regimental fuselage band

I've decided to change the scale of the fourth scenario, to make it more manageable and faster paced, so that it works as a game and doesn't bog down. The new scenario is set on the same date and in the same location, 24th June 1939 over Buir Nuur lake, but this time involves nine Ki-27's of the 11th Sentai, 2nd Chutai clashing with twelve I-16's of the 22nd IAP. It's set in the evening, so there will be a time limit of ten turns, after which both sides will have to disengage and return to base, due to the failing light. 

The sun will be at low level in the West but the two forces will enter from the North and South of the table as bogeys to start with, so neither side will have an advantage. Unfortunately, I don't have the identities of the pilots for either side, with one exception for the Japanese, so they will remain anonymous until I can identify the most likely candidates. Instead, the pilot ratings for this scenario will be generated randomly using Section 3.3 of the rules, with Top or Junior Ace cards added to the deck as required.

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